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Plant Dyed Silk Pillowcase

Sale price Price $200.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

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Our 19mm silk pillowcase in a mint green hand dyed with mango leaves and indigo in Bali.

A roomy standard size silk pillowcase with the dimensions 70cm x 51. French seams inside and pocket fold to secure pillow at the opening. These luscious and luminous plant dyed pillowcases will transform your sleeping experience and luxuriate your bed. Queen and king sizes available. 

Other silk pillowcases brands say that pure silk pillowcases have beauty enhancing benefits particularly that it prevents premature aging, is good for maintaining a better complexion, and is good for the hair. We hope that's all true but we can attest to it making you feel beautifully well rested and refreshed and for sure reduces bed head tangles. 

But make a pure silk pillowcase plant dyed and you get to enjoy the healing benefits of these botanically dyes.

Dreaming with the essence of tropical plants...

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